One cannot die, unless it is his time.
Its just something to share.
Okay, lagi skali aku eksiden... -____-"
And i was lucky not only to still be alive, but also to walk away with just a few scratches.
I thought it was normal, because this kinda thing did happen to me before. I mean, being lucky. This is my third accident. And the two before this, also I was lucky, like extremely lucky, almost the same as this one, but this is luckier.. haha. But, really, its not normal, when i think about it again. I could have die. I mean, i cant even explain how i escaped, like, tetibe dah ade atas jalan. Macam teleport (over... -____-")
But seriously, i cant explain how. I looked at the picture over and over again, gathering every details that i can remember when the accident happen, compare everything with every injuries that i have, it just doesn't make any sense. Well, one thing did make sense, God save me.
You cant die unless it is time for you to die, no matter what happen to you, if its not your time, you will not die.... Proven.. and will also lead to another proof which is 'You will die if its time for you to die, no matter what you do to prevent it, if its time for you to die, you will die'...Proven
So, the time cannot exist unless someone has set it. I will not survive, unless someone save me
There is a God... Proven
If you dont believe in God, its probably easy for you to say, i was just lucky... but if you were in my shoes, you will know it wasnt just lucky.
Allah, Islam, and everything that I believe is not the truth because I believe in it, but I believed in it because It is the truth. And every faith that I have about God and islam has been crystallized through many events in my life. No offense, but Islam is the only religion that best explain and teach about God and his creation. If only people look into it, be it muslim, or non-muslim.
I am not saying I am special than anyone else, that I actually see this signs, but verily, the sign is everywhere, for those who thinks. Who contemplates. We just have to be sensitive enough, every event is a lesson, because God watches everyone of us.
Human can speak not only with mouth, we can also speak with our eyes, body language and stuff. How many ways do you think God can speak to you? God knows best. But God make everything for a reason. God created us for a reason. And I am sure it is not just to live our life and die and just disappear.
Praise God that create everything, Alhamdulillah.
yang baek itu daripada Allah, segala ilmu dan kebenaran dari Allah, salah silap mohon maaf serta tunjok aja. my deepest apologize for posting this post